Monday, May 27, 2013

End of the Year Party

All the first grade teachers at my school decided to do our end of the year parent presentation and end of the year party for the students all in one day!  I decided to do a beach theme party for the kids and I used pinspiration for a lot of my party ideas!  Love some pinterest!  The kids had a blast and the parents loved the summer poems we wrote and presented.  I got the poem idea from an old school Mailbox magazine.   Mailbox is still one of my favorite teaching resourses to use. 

I found the cute beach themed plates and napkins at the dollar tree, and the polka dotted paper straws at the AMAZING Mighty Dollar store in Greenville.  They had paper straws and matching polka dotted balloons for ONE DOLLAR!!! I bought a bunch in various colors for future parties.  :)  The yellow buckets have the student's wrapped end of the year gifts in them.  I also had a simple but cute table set up with a bright table cloth, 4 sandbuckets from the dollar bins at Target; each with a snack in them:  goldfish, graped, and 2 buckets of mini chocolate donuts. 

We also made Hope King's paper bag memory scrapbooks.  We worked on 2 pages a day until they were finished and they turned out adorable!  The kids loved putting stickers on each page. 

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